Friday, July 14, 2017

Manning Park

This past week we packed up our car and went to Kelowna and Manning park. 

We got up early on Monday morning and made the drive to Kelowna. Unfortunately, there are a lot of big forest fires that just broke out, so the air quality was quite bad. It was still an enjoyable drive up and the kids did really, really well! 

Monday morning! We were all excited to go. 

The kids needed a break about halfway to Kelowna, so we found a playground that they could play in. 

Our lunch break in Merritt 

When we got to Kelowna, the smoke was really bad so we were very glad we found a hotel room that was large and had a second room for the kids. We were all exhausted when we got there so relaxing on the beds and swimming in their pool was just what we needed. 

The next day we made our way to manning park which was about a 3 hour drive. (if we didn't stop for breaks) My sunglasses were broken so we stopped at a gas station to pick up some. 

Lily napped only about 15-30 minutes in the car both days and Evan stayed up. 

We finally made it to our cabin! Lily and Elena were excited to see each other! 

The playground at the cabins 

6:00 am on Wednesday morning 

Throughout the day at the cabin on Wednesday. 

Thursday we went swimming and to the lake. The kids really enjoyed being outside and enjoyed being in the water. 

Friday morning, our last morning at the cabin was a pretty relaxing one. We had breakfast, packed up and went swimming. 

A good use to my pregnancy pillow 

We had a very enjoyable time together as a family. Our last vacation before this little baby is born. 











































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