Thursday, July 20, 2017

33 weeks pregnant

I am 33 weeks pregnant, and we are getting closer and closer to meeting this sweet little girl. 

Last week I became 8 months pregnant and man do I feel it! The exhaustion is crazy, I don't think I have felt this tired and unable to do things. It's a different tired from sleep deprivation, it's a, I do one house task, and I have to sit down for a good 15 minutes. This is quite frustrating as I have so much I want to do and so little energy to do it. 

Her nursery is almost finished as I finally washed and put away all the clothes. It is the first time I've gotten to do a nursery before I had the baby and it's been a very fun project for me. Thankfully I started early because it's taken a long time, but it's almost done! 

The stretch marks are in full force on my stomach. With Evan I didn't get any, with Lily I got three small ones, and now this one I'm sure are going to be all over my entire stomach before this pregnancy is over. As much as I don't like it, it is what it is, this is the third baby and the second baby in a year, so it was bound to happen. 

7 more weeks (hopefully less!) to go! 

My 33 week baby bump! 


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