Saturday, March 17, 2018

Seven months old!

Elisa turned seven months old yesterday and is continuing to learn so many different things every day. 

She can now roll both ways consistently and enjoys sleeping on her stomach. She can now sit up almost by herself except for when she gets excited and falls backwards. We keep a pillow behind her so she doesn’t hurt her head! 

She adores her sibiligs and thinks Lily  is so funny. She laughs and smiles all the time. She has now moved to her own room, with hopes she would sleep better. Every month I hope we would get more sleep, but so far she still wakes up every 1-2 hours and wakes up at 5:30am . Hopefully this will change this month! 

She wears 6-9 month clothes and is in size 3 diapers. Her hair is growing so much in the front and sides and is starting to grow more in the back. 

We love her so very much! 

Monthly comparison: 

One month: 

Two months: 

Three months: 

Four months: 

Five months: 

Six months: 

Seven Months: 

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