Thursday, June 29, 2017

30 weeks pregnant!

30 weeks pregnant today!! I'm pretty sure I blinked and 30 weeks went by. 

So far this has been a pretty good pregnancy. (Though I think Evans was my easiest being 20/21 in age for his)
I have had a sense of calm throughout this pregnancy which was definitely missing in Lily's pregnancy. I have felt such peace from the moment I found out I was pregnant, which has been such a blessing. 
I start seeing the midwife every 2-3 weeks now and will have a growth ultrasound at the end of July, making sure everything is still going well. 

The baby's nursery is coming along nicely and can't wait for it to be completely finished. I've never gotten to make a nursery for a baby before they were born, so this has been quite the treat for me. 

As I was doing laundry, I noticed how tiny this baby will be compared to Lily!

I'm not quite sure how I feel about her becoming a big sister already, but ready or not, here it comes! Evan is so excited to have another sister and tells his teacher all the time about the baby. 

30 weeks pregnant with baby #3

Lily on the left and baby girl on the right 




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