Sunday, May 29, 2016

Four months old!!

Today Lily is four months old! Where has the time gone?! 

Lily is doing all sorts of things now. She reaches for toys and can put them in her mouth, she can (when she wants to) roll over from back to front and front to back. She does this mostly when she is in her bed. She is awake more often and can now laugh! She smiles at almost everyone, but she smiles most for her big brother, who she thinks is the best person around. 

She is in size one diapers and is in 3-6 month clothes. She will get weighed on Tuesday, but I would guess she is about 14lbs. 

She has about 4 naps a day and is waking up at 2:30am, 5:30am, 6:30am and is up for the day around 7am. 

Month comparison: 

1 month: 

2 months

3 months:

Four months old:

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