Friday, April 29, 2016

3 months old!

Today Lily is three months old! I can not believe how much she has changed in one month. She is definitely not a newborn anymore. she loves to talk and smile at anyone who looks at her. She loves her big brother and thinks he is very funny.

The biggest change is sleep. She is (at the moment) sleeping from around 8pm to 6 or 7am. This makes for a very happy baby and mommy. She is beginning to nap in her crib and sometimes falls asleep in there without being rocked.  She still eats every 3-4 hours during the day and wants to be held most of the day, which is quite the challenge when i need to clean the house.

She weighs 12 pounds which is the same as Evan was at this age. She wears 3 month clothes and is in size 1 diapers.

She is the happiest little girl most of the time and we just love her.


1 month old:

2 months old:

3 months old:

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