Sunday, May 27, 2018

Nine Months Old

On May 16th, Elisa turned nine months old! Elisa started crawling on May 10th and is now going everywhere! She is still sleeping fairy well, generally only waking up once a night.

She is about 17lbs and is in size 9-12 month clothes and size three diapers.

She has quite the little personality, competing with her brother and sisters noise volume. She has learned to scream when she doesn't get something she wants or when she wants more food!

She is still breastfeeding and pulls at my shirt when she wants to eat, which is a lot these days!

She has three teeth still but the fourth tooth is almost in (came in May 27th)

She is learning to crawl to toys as fast as she can before Evan or Lily takes them away.

We love her so much and can't wait to see all the different things she continues to learn to do!

Comparison Pictures: 

One Month: 

Two Months: 

Three Months:

Four Months:

Five Months: 

Six Months:

Seven Months:

Eight Months:

Nine Months: 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018