Friday, April 28, 2017

chalk play

It is finally warm and sunny, so we are taking full advantage of being outside! 






21 weeks pregnant!

I am 21+ weeks pregnant with baby number 3, so thought I should take the time to write down my thoughts thus far of this pregnancy before too much time has passed or the baby has been born! 

We found out we were pregnant on the night of Wednesday, January 4th. I wasn't quite sure how far along I was, but I went to the Dr on the Friday and found out I was 5 weeks pregnant. 

With Lily's pregnancy I was very anxious the entire time. Things with that pregnancy were extremely stressful throughout for the whole pregnancy. This time around has been the complete opposite. It's been a low key pregnancy (so far) and I am very grateful for that. 

With that being said, I have been a lot sicker with this one. I was still nursing Lily throughout the first trimester and Lily was still waking up multiple times at night. My morning sickness would start at 1 or 2am and last until I went to bed. It was a very difficult few months, but we seem to be passed the thick of it. 

I had my first ultrasound on January 26th and that went well, Ricardo took off the day and it was exciting to see this tiny baby. 

We had or next ultrasound (the anatomy scan) on April 13th and found out we are having a healthy baby girl! 

Evan was ecstatic to be having another sister and Lily... well, hopefully she will be excited. The poor girl will not know what is going on until baby is out! 

We are very excited to meet this little girl and also a bit nervous for the fact that Lily will only be about 18/19 months old when she is born. I have to trust that everything will be okay and Lily will be okay becoming a big sister and no longer the baby of the family. 

Here is my 21 week pregnancy picture! 



Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017






going to the park






Easter weekend

We had an exciting Easter weekend. It started off with me being 19 weeks pregnant and finding out we are having another girl! 

Easter Morning was pretty low key, they went through their Easter baskets and then we went off to church. After church we went to my parents house and had lunch. 

Having fun doing an Easter egg hunt 























Sunday, April 9, 2017