Friday, March 31, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

A day at Lynda's

We went downtown and visited Lynda on Thursday morning. We went to the laughing statues, the beach and played monopoly. The kids had a great time even though Evan got quite wet at the beach. 









rainy day activities

This spring break has been a very rainy one. One of the days was particularly rainy so I decided we needed an activity to do inside. 

We went to the toy store and picked up a lego set and a board game.







Tuesday, March 21, 2017

rainy day walks

Today we braved the downpour and went for a walk. It stopped raining at times which was nice. 







Monday, March 20, 2017

Granville island

Evan slept over at Grammy and Papa's house since he is still on spring break. Today they took him to Granville Island to explore and it looks like he had a great time. 







Sunday, March 19, 2017

Saturdays at the park

Now that Lily is walking, going to the park has never been more fun and increably busy. Both kids go in separate directions and find separate things to play with. I'm not quite sure what we will do when we have three waking but we will figure it out when the time comes. 
I am so excited that the sun is finally beginning to shine again and warmer days are just around the corner!