Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Lily's First Birthday Party

On Saturday, January 28th, we held a small birthday party for Lily. All of our family showed up to celebrate! 


Saturday, January 21, 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lily's early birthday present

Lily loves Evans blue chair, they constantly fight over it and so we decided for her birthday we would get her one. 

Yesterday, I went to pick one up for her so she would have her very own. She was excited and Evan was too, he finally didn't have to share! 

A couple of other pictures from earlier in the week. 








Ricardo's 30th birthday

Last Friday, I threw a surprise party for Ricardo's 30th birthday. Raquel and I decided on a theme of things that came out in 1987. This included the Simpsons (first time on tv on a variety show), Zelda,   Ninja turtles and super Mario. 

I surprised Ricardo by meeting him downtown after he finished work to take him to a movie and dinner. He thought this was the extent of his surprise, we went to pick up Lily and got to the house to a house full of people. People were dressed up in 80's costumes. It was a very fun night but we were exhausted by the end of it. 





Thursday, January 12, 2017

The sweetest moment 

These two are crazy together 




Friday, January 6, 2017

Lily and Evan face timing mama Reina. They both wanted to be seen and heard which was very funny to watch. Lily kept trying to push Evan out of the way and Evan kept putting his face in front of the camera so Lily couldn't see. 




Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's Eve

We had a very snowy New Year's Eve. It was quite pretty so we decided to take a walk! 





11 months old!

Lily is now 11 months old. Where has the time gone?? (Do I say that every month?!) She is such a busy little girl, she never stops moving and wants to keep up with Evan.

Lily is continuing to learn to walk more, taking more steps every day. She is becoming more confident in her ability to walk but mostly still crawls as it is much quicker! 

She has a mind of her own and knows what she wants especially when it comes to her toys. But she is also very sweet and loves giving lots of kisses and hugs. She adores Evan and loves to play with him, even though he likes to bug her, as every big brother does. 

One of her favourite things is books. She loves looking through all the pages and feeling all the different textures. 

She is in 6-12 month clothes and is about 17-18lbs. She is quite long and is growing every day. 

She likes to eat most things and is getting quite the appetite. 

She doesn't like to sleep much, naps can be from 30 to 60 minutes. At night she wakes up two times. Hopefully once we get back into routine this gets much better! 

I can't believe she will be 1 in less then a month now! 

Monthly comparison:

One month: 

Two months: 

Three months: 

Four months:

Five months: 

Six Months: 

Seven months:

Eight months:

Nine months: 

Ten months: 

Eleven Month: