Tuesday, November 29, 2016

10 months old!

Lily is now 10 months old and time is going way to quickly!

She is growing up so quickly and doing so many things. 
She started walking on November 24 and is figuring out she can walk other places besides just to people. 
She can now say papa, uh oh, Elena, and now can say mama! She learned to say mama yesterday! She likes to wave hello and good bye, give high fives and can clap! 

Lily has 5 teeth and is in 12 month clothes. She is in size 3 diapers and is growing everyday. 

Monthly comparisons 

One month:


Two Months: 

Three Months: 

Four Months: 

Five Months: 

Six Months:

Seven Months: 

Eight Months: 

Nine Months: 

10 months:

10 month pictures 



Lily and Elena 

Going under the stairs to find the Christmas decorations 



Monday, November 14, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Baby sleep, I get Starbucks and sit in the nice quiet car. 







Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sweet little cousins. 7 months apart 







Friday, November 4, 2016

Lily's taking steps!

On Wednesday, (November 2) lily took 4 steps all by herself!! I couldn't believe it! 



Evans field trip

Evans class went on a field trip where they got to look and hold some creatures. 

There was a snake, scorpion, stick big, a bat, (it was dead and stretched out on cardboard) a exotic crab and a couple of other things. Evan decided he really wanted to hold a tarantula, so he did and I just about died. If you can't tell, it's on his sweatshirt 

The snake 

The scorpion 


lily and Evan

I have so many pictures that I need to post here! Life has gotten a little crazy, but I am finally getting around to it! 

Lily has gotten really hard to photograph because she is always moving. She never ever stops.