Lily is 8 months old today! Im not quite sure how that happened but it did and i can't really believe it!
Lily is probably about 17 or 18lbs at this point and is in size 6-9 month clothes. She is also in size 3 diapers.
Lily is SO close to crawling (I said that last month, but she really is now) and can now pull herself up on her crib. She can get around the living room by sliding around. She loves to chew on anything and everything and loves anything that her brother is playing with.
She has one tooth and can say "papa". She has 3 naps a day and at night she sleeps from 8 or 9... or 10 to around 3:00 - 5:00 then eats and then goes back to sleep till around 7:30.
1 Month:
2 Months:
3 Months
4 Months:
5 Months:
6 Months:
7 Months:
8 Months:
This little girl is very hard to photograph and to get her to smile is almost impossible. She is such a busy little girl and always on the move!