Thursday, July 28, 2016

Another beach day

Evan went to the beach with Grammy and papa the other day and had so much fun. He played in the water, played in the sand, and found a dinosaur! 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The past week

The last week seems to have zoomed by. Here is s bit of what we have done.

We are enjoying where we live so much! We have a backyard and front to enjoy. Because we live at the end of the complex, Evan is able to ride his bike without too many cars driving. 

There are also a number of trails nearby which makes going on walks much less stressful. There are a lot of blackberry bushes along these trails which we enjoy. 

Lily and Evan 

We also have enjoyed hanging out with Tia Raquel and mama reina 

And last of all, we have been enjoying playing Pokemon much to Evans delight. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Aquarium and water park.

Evan went to the aquarium and to the water park today with Grammy and papa. 

Monday, July 18, 2016

First time swimming!

Today I took Lily swimming with Raquel and Jessica. Lily loved the water and was so content. 

Sunday afternoon

Yesterday we had a nice relaxing Sunday and it was quite enjoyable. I was also in a "taking a ton of pictures mood" so there are a lot of pictures today. 

Getting ready for church 

Going on a walk! 

Picking blackberries 

Playing with Papi 

Ricardo took this picture and I love it!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Goodbye apartment

Last night Ricardo and I finished cleaning and taking the rest of the stuff out of apartment. When we were finished, I sat there looking at the living room and remembered the things that happened in the apartment. It was Evan and I first real apartment, Evan was only 1 when we moved in. It was where Ricardo met Evan for the first time, it was where we came home as a married couple, it was where we brought Lily home to. I am so happy to be in the house, but it I am a bit sad to leave that apartment behind. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The kids

The past couple of weeks have been very busy for us as we have been moving to a new place. We have been packing up the old house and unpacking the new house and haven't had much time for anything else! On Saturday we moved and we are loving our new house! 
The kids are doing pretty well with the move and Evan is enjoying his new room and we are enjoying the space this house has. 

The kids:

Evan got a new puzzle 

Lily doing what she likes to do best - Stand