Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Five Months Old!

Today Lily is five months old! I say this every month but I can't believe she is already so old! She continues to be such a joy to be around and a very happy and healthy baby. 

Lily loves to smile and laugh, especially at her Papi and brother. She loves to get kisses and to give kisses. She has started eating solid foods - avocado and Strawberries so far, and has decided that she doesn't want to take a bottle. 

Lily is probably about 16 pounds and is very long. She is still in size one diapers but is in 3-6 month clothes, though she is outgrowing them very quickly! 

She has 3-4 naps a day and sleeps for 2-4 hour periods at night. She starts her day at 5:30am and goes to sleep at around 7:30pm. 

Monthly comparison:

1 month old:

2 months old:

3 Months old:

4 Months Old:

5 Months Old:

Trying to get the monthly picture is becoming a little more difficult!

Lily at 5 months with all her personality shining through. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Summer play and first food!

Today was the first week of Evan's summer vacation and the weather was very summer like! So, we decided to head to a water park where he could cool off and burn some of his energy. 

Lily's all ready for the park

The water park!

Enjoying being outside. 

Playing in the park

Lily will be 5 months on the 29th of June, and though we thought we would hold her off from food until 6 months, we decided tonight would be the night we finally gave in to her want for food. She has been very curious about food and watches us eat. She grabs at our food and tries to eat it. Because of this, we thought she was ready. Her first food was avocado and she loved it! No funny faces! 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Graduating from preschool!

Today Evan graduated from preschool. I can not believe that he is off to kindergarten in two months! My little baby boy is growing up right before our eyes. 

First day of preschool - September 2015

Last day of preschool - June 2016

Getting his preschool certificate!


One of Evans teachers. She was such a great teacher for him. She told me that they will miss him so much. She also said that because Evan is such a happy boy in the class, people around him become happier. He is such a happy little boy and I am so glad he can help make people smile. 

Off to kindergarten we go! 

Park day

Evan went to the park with Grammy and papa. He had "the best time ever"! (As Evan says!)

Monday, June 20, 2016

A new hat!! 

And a new toy!! 

Crazy bath time hair 

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to Ricardo! He is the best Papi these two could ever have. We love you so very much!