Wednesday, December 30, 2015

34 weeks pregnant

Today I am 34 weeks pregnant! I had a midwife appointment and was measuring 2 weeks a head and had an ultrasound last week and the baby is probably about 5 1/2lbs this week. 
I keep having to tell myself that no I will not be pregnant for the rest of my life and this baby will come out. 
Evan is getting more and more excited, as are we to meet this baby and to see what it looks like. 
Some days it am excited to have two kids and some days I wonder how I'm going to manage it with two kids. But if people with 5 kids can do it, surely I can as well! 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day in the mountain

Today we went to the local mountain. As we were driving it started to snow very hard. Evan was so excited to go play in the snow. 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Santa visit!

We went to see Santa this year and Evan finally sat with him without crying! 

Spanish church Christmas performance

Evan was part of the children's performance at the spanish church on Sunday. They sang two songs. It was very cute but he was so grumpy and made many grumpy faces. 

Flowers for mommy

Eva and papa went to the grocery store and bought beautiful flowers for me! 

Preschool Christmas program

On Evans last day of preschool for 2015 they had a little Christmas performance. He was more shy this year but he did a great job singing! They also had a few crafts to do while they waited. 

Another craft day

Micheals craft store had all these foam kids crafts for 50% off so I thought I would pick up a few more 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

32 weeks pregnant!

I am 32 weeks pregnant and it is now less then 2 months till my due date. I defiantly feel like I am very pregnant today. I am also hoping this baby come a little bit early. Here's to hoping!  

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Christmas activities!

Today, Naomi, Grammy, papa and Evan went downtown to see some Christmas displays and work on some Christmas crafts. 

Fun at Grammy and papa house

Evan has spent a lot of time at Grammy and papas house lately. He loves it there and asks everyday if he can go and play. 

Watering the plants 

Looking so handsome by the Christmas tree! 

Christmas baking!

Yesterday Evan and I baked Christmas cookies! He had a great time usuing cookie cutters and decorating them with icing and sprinkles. 

31 weeks pregnant

I am 31 weeks pregnant and baby is head down and has a strong little heartbeat. 
9 more weeks till my due date!