Sunday, November 29, 2015

Christmas craft

Yesterday Evan and I went to Micheals to find a Christmas craft we could do to get into the Christmas spirit. 
We found a nativity scene craft that was onsale for 50% off. Evan had a great time setting it up. He did almost everything by himself and was very proud of himself when he saw the finished product.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

29 Weeks Pregnant!

I am 29 weeks pregnant today and this has probably been one of the best weeks of pregnancy for me. Though I am uncomfortable at night or if i sit or stand too long, i have felt good overall! I haven't been nauseous this week at all and the baby is moving a lot which gives me piece of mind.

The baby has definitely been getting bigger and has bigger movements. I can feel the baby stretch and roll around and you can see it on the outside of my belly. At this point I think the baby is head up because I am feeling most of my movements very, very low. This could obviously change and hopefully it does, but if it does not that is okay too.

At this point I have gained 16.5 lbs which I think is pretty good and even though I feel like my belly is huge, I think it looks pretty good so far... We will see what I say about it in a few weeks.

Hair cuts and Swimming

This week hasn't been too busy. We have mostly been busy with school, swim and daily life. Evan is continuing to love preschool. He has friends he likes to play with and enjoys playing "Mr. Wolf" when they are outside with his class. 

Evan's hair grows faster then any other person I know. We are constantly cutting it! Thankfully, Ricardo is great at hair cutting and so we don't have to go in a pay a ridiculous amount for a haircut. 

Finally, Evan has been in a new swim class. Last class they got a new teacher, who I think is going to be their teacher the rest of the time. This swimming pool does their lessons differently then the one we are use to. Though he is probably learning something, I have not been too happy with how the lessons are done. It is good for Evan to go regardless and he is having fun so that is the most important part. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

28 weeks pregnant!

I am 28 weeks pregnant today and feeling pretty good today! Evan is beyond excited for this baby. There have been a lot of babies born this month at the spanish church, so I think he is getting the connection between growing bellies and babies. He also understands now how tiny babies are! 

12ish more weeks! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Weekend

Evan had quite the busy weekend this past weekend. On Friday he had a school field trip going to gymnastics.

After gymnastics, Evan went to Grammy and Papa's house for a sleepover! He was quite a busy boy,  having a dinner at White Spot, cleaning up all the leaves, and going to a craft fair.  

After we picked Evan up on Saturday, we went and got paint to start our new project. We are repainting Evan's old change table that we will use for a dresser for the baby. Once it is all finished I will post a picture. Here is Evan and Ricardo sanding and painting the drawers to the dresser. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Yesterday was Remembrance day which meant Ricardo had the day off. In the afternoon we went to a school park where Evan could ride his bike and play in the playground. It was quite cold out and we all thought a hot drink would be wonderful. So off to Starbucks we went!

Evan got his very own drink - a hot chocolate! He finished it in about five minutes and loved every bit of it!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

27 weeks pregnant

I am 27 weeks pregnant and now officially in the third trimester! This also means I am 2/3rds of the way done and have about 13 weeks left! 

This pregnancy has been very different then Evan's. This one was has been emotionally and physically draining. The baby continues to grow and it is getting stronger everyday which is great! My body on the ther hand seems to be very tired and does not like being pregnant. 

This week has been hard and I have been emotional and tired. I don't write this to complain, I am writing this so that I can remember what it really was like. Some weeks will be great and I will feel great and others will be difficult. But I am very thankful to be pregnant and to feel this little baby moving and growing Inside me. 

Last day of swimming and the airport

Evan had his last day of swimming lessons for "sea otter" he passed! We start a new swim lesson set on Monday. He really does love it! 

Evan went with Grammy and Papa to play at the airport. He had so much fun! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Superman and Sleeping

Yesterday was superhero day at Evan's preschool. Since I forgot about it completely until two days before, we didn't have many options. He had been superman before and loved it! So we thought it would be a good idea for this year.

Evan as superman in his superman stance.

Much later that day, after Evan went to sleep, I went to check on him and this is how I found him. He leg crossed and at the opposite end of the bed.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

26 Weeks Pregnant!

Today I am 26 weeks pregnant and it is the last week of the second trimester! My nasuea is gone I think for good now as I haven't had any for the last couple of weeks for the most part.

I have been very tired the last few weeks and have been taking naps or resting in bed when Evan is in quiet time. I am so thankful he loves quiet time these days because its very helpful for me! I am guessing that the tiredness will just be a constant thing until.. well... a long time.

This baby is definitely growing a lot and I am very curious how much it will weigh at birth. If it will be the same, smaller or larger. I am going to guess larger at this point, but we will see!

Fourteenish weeks left before we get to meet this sweet little baby.

Monday, November 2, 2015

The Difference a Year Makes

What a difference a year can make in a little boy.

Preschool age 3

Preschool age 4

Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Weekend at Aunty Naomi's house

On Friday, Evan got to go spend the day and night with Aunty Naomi. He was so excited about this and was continuously telling his teachers that he was going to sleep over at her house. I also found out that he keeps telling his teachers that after the baby is born he is getting a puppy. Ricardo likes this idea.

Here are some pictures from their adventures! 

A leaf bigger then his head! 

Bubble bath fun! 

Watching a movie after his bath

On Saturday, Naomi took Evan to Science World! 

Evan had such a fun time at Aunty Naomi's house. When he got home he was so tired so we put a show on for him. This apparently is a very comfy way to watch something on TV.